Key Cap font with a variety of properly scaled keys in standard proportions
The DocKeys font is a free, sharable, special purpose True-Type Font that was created to provide not only
the key cap glyphs required for documenting commands, but also to create properly scaled keyboard layouts
without resorting to the need for graphic images. Thus, DocKeys.ttf includes a variety of sizes for many
non-alphanumeric keycaps (as well as the underlying switches and stabilizers) in order to cover a wide
variety of commercially available layouts.
This capability can be useful to permit I/T architects, designers, and developers to more easily prepare
higher quality preliminary documentation in standard office suites.
View and/or Download the Font and its Documentation
The Database Design Note describing the font and how to use it, a Unicode value map for easy reference,
and Compose key definitions for Linux distributions, can be viewed here:
DocKeys Font Usage, Key Map and Compose Key Definitions.
You can download the file from your browser's document display.
View and/or Download the Font
The font itself can be viewed (using your operating system's font viewer) and/or downloaded here:
DocKeys True Type Font File.
Your browser should give you the choice of viewing or downloading. Instructions are provided for
adding the Compose Key definitions to your system. (Consult your distribution's help if you haven't
yet defined which key is to be used for the Compose function.)
Keyboard Layout Sample created with the DocKeys font in a word processor:
